Arseniy Zhilyaev
In 2006 graduated from the faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of the Voronezh State University. From 2006 to 2007 studied at the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art. In 2010 graduated from the Valand Academy of Fine Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
From 2003 to 2007 he took part in the organization of apartment exhibitions in Voronezh. One of the founders of the group “Frontier Research” (together with Ilya Dolgov), and then “Popular Frontier Research” (in collaboration with Ilya Dolgov and Ivan Gorshkov).
Since 2010 Arseny is a member of the editorial board of the “The Moscow Art magazine”. One of the co-founders of the Voronezh Center for Contemporary Art. Member of the Russian Socialist Movement. In his early works (“Rational Egoism”, “Market “Labor”, “Radio October”) he refers to the problems of modern cultural production and precarious creativity.
Laureate of the VI All-Russia “Innovation 2010” prize in the sphere of contemporary art in the nomination “New Generation”. Laureate of the Russian professional contemporary art award “Soratnik” in 2010 and 2012.
Lives and works in Moscow.
Personal site: http://zhilyaev.vcsi.ru/
Photos of the works are provided by Pechersky Gallery.

Arseny Zhilyaev. From the series ‘Cradle of Humankind-3’, installation, mixed media, 2015

Arseny Zhilyaev. From the series `Anton Vidokle De Cosmos Recreation Center`, installation, mixed media, 2016

Arseny Zhilyaev. TRIANGLE 65. From the series ‘Cradle of Humankind-3’, textile, 2015

Arseny Zhilyaev. From the series ‘Cradle of Humankind-3’, installation, mixed media, 2015

Arseny Zhilyaev. From the series `Tsiolkovsky, Second Advent`, installation, mixed media, 2016

Arseny Zhilyaev. TRIANGLE 467. From the series ‘Cradle of Humankind-3’, textile, 2015

Arseny Zhilyaev. Yuri Gagarin. From the series `Tsiolkovsky, Second Advent`, sculpture, mixed media, 2016

Arseny Zhilyaev. From the series ‘Cradle of Humankind-3’, installation, mixed media, 2015
Selected Exhibitions
2012 — Museum of Proletarian Culture. The Industrialization of Bohemia. Tretyakov State Gallery. Russia Moscow
2014 — Future Histories" (with Mark Dion). Casa dei Tre Oci, V-A-C Foundation. Venice, Italy
2015 — La vie Moderne. 13th edition of the Biennale de Lyon. France
2015 — Specters of Communism. e-flux and James Gallery. New York, USA
2016 — M.I.R.: New Paths to the Objects. Kadist Art Foundation. Paris, France
2016 — The Eighth Climate (What does art do?). 11th edition of Gwangju Biennale. South Korea
2016 — Untitled (two takes on crisis). de Appel. Amsterdam, Netherlands
2016 — Museum On/Off. Centre Pompidou. Paris, France
2016 — 9th edition of Liverpool Biennial. UK